Welcome to Dave Sonik Jordan’s Magnet Fishing Guest Book! This is a dedicated space for all magnet fishing enthusiasts who have joined Dave on his thrilling underwater treasure hunting adventures. Share your experiences, discuss the best magnet fishing spots, and learn from the best – Dave Sonik Jordan himself. Whether you’re a seasoned fisher or a beginner, this community is your go-to resource for all things magnet fishing. Dive in, explore, and let’s make every fishing trip a memorable one. Remember, every comment, share, and interaction helps us grow and reach more magnet fishing lovers like you. Happy magnet fishing!

Please add your comment below, let us know who you are, where you’re from and what, if any your magnet fishing group name is.

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40 replies
  1. BaldyRick
    BaldyRick says:

    Hello . I’m Rick and I ain’t got any hair . From Leeds . West Yorkshire UK . I don’t have a website as such but iI do have FB group MagnetFishingForAmateurs
    Have met Sonik , Dawn , and Ray a few times . Absolute legends the lot of them..

  2. Tracey Jones
    Tracey Jones says:

    I live in the West Midlands. Not too far from Birmingham. I, personally don’t magnet fish but I know a man who does. My husband, David Coombes. He loves it and I love the community spirit, how everyone reaches out to each other.
    You’re an inspiration Sonik, along with your lovely wife Dawn. Thank you for welcoming me x

    • Dave Jordan
      Dave Jordan says:

      Hey Tracy, its our pleasure to have you, David is a top bloke, great to see you on the lives every Monday, we do have a lovely community on here.

  3. Tammy Weaver
    Tammy Weaver says:

    Hi from
    Myssi Mays Magnets and family.
    We are originally from Upstate NY but relocated to South Carolina about 7 years ago… then 4 years ago we relocated to Virginia.. approximately 15 minutes from the border of North Carolina.. Were usually found spending our days in North Carolina.
    Stopped in to say Hi Everyone

  4. Brian W
    Brian W says:

    Hi All, I am one of the original members of Magnet Fishing for Amateurs, Leeds. Love this hobby with Baldy Rick. Soniks is my enviromental legend.

    • Dave Jordan
      Dave Jordan says:

      Hey Brian, lovely to see you at the Birthday splash 2024, thanks for the kind words and hope we meet again soon bro, DING DING

    • BaldyRick
      BaldyRick says:

      Sonik is an inspiration to us all mate . Fantastic day out at the birthday splash with you and the gang . I’m.paying for it now though . Even my hair aches lol

  5. Delanay Pereksles
    Delanay Pereksles says:

    Seeing the passion you have for what you do only excites and drives me even more to follow in your footsteps 🙂

    • Dave Jordan
      Dave Jordan says:

      Thanks Delanay, its great to hear we are inspiring people to help clean up the environment and thanks for signing in. DING DING

  6. Royston Watkins
    Royston Watkins says:

    From Chessington. Getting a magnet delivered (hopefully) tomorrow. Then off to the Thames to test it out ring ding

  7. David Coombes
    David Coombes says:

    Hi Dave just thought I would leave a short comment in your guest book.
    You are a true friend and an inspiration to a lot of us magnet fishers i am honoured to have you as a friend 💙💙👍👍

    • Dave Jordan
      Dave Jordan says:

      Hi David, thanks for popping in and the kind words, i really appreciate it as it motivates me to keep going with our message to clean the world DING DING

  8. Darryl McGrory
    Darryl McGrory says:

    Hi all just a small time magnet fisher from Ireland ive a Facebook page Called( Linn Duachaill magnet fishing) i love this option on your website sonik keep up the good work

  9. Kellie 420 Magnet Fisher
    Kellie 420 Magnet Fisher says:

    Hello Sonik,
    Kellie 420 Magnet Fishers here I am in Seneca Falls, NY USA. Love you and your videos. Hope to get on the map.

  10. Jon
    Jon says:

    Hi Dave mate keep the good work up what you are doing out on the canals and with the Monday night’s & Tuesday premiers love Jon & Penny ding ding mate

  11. Stacy Tucker
    Stacy Tucker says:

    Hi from Stacy T and Magneto Mike! we love your videos! would be awesome to have a day out cleaning up the waterways together some day! from Wiltshire, UK! Ding Ding!


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